You’ve found what you’ve been looking for! Let me introduce, the serious buyer.


A serious buyer identification guide for real estate agents!

It was the 10th day of the sale authorization certificate received from the property owner. Only two different prospective buyers saw the house. The deposit received is 100.000 TL and the sales contract prepared afterwards… #CaseStudy is only a real estate story sold by KULER! Is it a sign of success for a successful real estate agent to constantly bring strangers into the house as clients? I think not. Instead of constantly bringing home foreign visitors, professionals have duties such as identifying serious buyers. Because, the professional real estate consultant

And another. “There are so many options, we wanted to see this place as well.” How serious do you think this buyer is? These people constitute the majority of the customer profile that amateur real estate agents take as buyers. Seeing, showing, or trying to sell if it piques your interest. If the properties you represent are not empty, you need to identify buyers correctly. Giving presentations to unserious buyers will waste your presentation credit, as well as make it difficult for serious buyers to see the house. It doesn’t matter if the landlord or the tenant is at all. Buyers’ visits to the property create a great loss of comfort for those living in the house. A visit to the home by the potential buyer requires prior preparation for many owners/tenants. To supervise the seriousness of the buyer in such a situation is the task of the real estate consultant responsible for the portfolio. So, how to identify serious buyers? If you are convinced by the buyer’s justification for taking care of the house, asking a few more questions can bring you a little closer to the serious buyer. Here are those questions;

  1. How much time do you have to buy a new home?
  2. What is the most important reason why you want to see this house up close?
  3. If you like the real estate, how do you plan to buy it?
  4. There is a landlord/tenant in it, how long do you intend to move?

How does he plan to buy?

The fact that a buyer who is considering buying a house using credit does not have enough down payment calls into question the seriousness of the buyer. Seriously identified buyers must have full ownership of the resources to purchase the property. A person who is given a tour of the house even though he does not own it is not a serious buyer but a tourist who organizes a real estate trip. The tourist is not interested in who is marketing the real estate. He makes an appointment, visits the house, thanks him, and leaves. Most do this at home. After all, they become real estate tourists. So is it a tourist or a buyer? The trick here is; is to dominate your customer’s purchasing process. Let’s find out the budget first, then we decide what to offer. supervises the serious/unserious buyer on the spot, does not take him to any property if he finds that he is not suitable…

So, what questions should be asked before a real estate visit for buyers who are considered serious? Here’s a professionals’ guide to identifying serious buyers in 4 steps!

Why is he interested?

You need to first identify the needs of the person you think is a potential buyer. Why is he interested in the real estate you are marketing? The most important question you need to ask a buyer will be why he is interested in real estate. The answers shared here contain important clues about the seriousness of the prospective buyer. Especially those who are looking for a house for their relatives do not enter the serious buyer group as they do not have a decision in buying.

house even though he does not own it is not a serious buyer but a tourist who organizes a real estate trip. The tourist is not interested in who is marketing the real estate. He makes an appointment, visits the house, thanks him, and leaves. Most do this at home. After all, they become real estate tourists. So is it a tourist or a buyer? The trick here is; is to dominate your customer’s purchasing process. Let’s find out the budget first, then we decide what to offer.

When does he want to move?

Another question! How serious can it be to show a property whose lease has been recently renewed to the property owner who wants to move into the house immediately? At least for 6 months… If you have to file a lawsuit, on top of that, it’s a bit costly. It is not the right strategy to set up sales without determining the needs of buyers and sellers. #BurasıÇokÖnemli, it’s easy to sell a property you represent. The difficult thing is to find the buyer you think can meet their needs. At the top of the questions you need to ask in order to build a right sale is, “When do you want to move?”

Do photos and videos give you ideas?

Another important question… Do photos and videos give enough ideas? If it doesn’t, serious buyers turn into unserious buyers. Because, photos and videos can show the house differently. It is extremely misleading. 0.5 shooting modes. Many use it, without realizing it, his face is reflected in the mirror. Professionals are conscious about real estate photography. That’s why he uses special lenses that offer a one-to-one image. The reason is simple, not to hear the sentence “it looked very different in the pictures”. Because; time is precious. Instead of showing the difference in the pictures at home, he aims to sell a house that is no different from the pictures.  KULER professionals prefer to use special cameras and lenses at all properties where it is authorized to market. 

Does it trust you or your agent?

All conditions are OK, but you are experiencing a buyer-side trust issue. Accordingly, the buyer you take will again fall into the unserious class. As a real estate professional, you need to provide the safest sales environment for the buyer and seller. The most important way to achieve this is trust. Starting out with a buyer who doesn’t trust you can deeply undermine the seller’s trust in you. It does not even shake it, it brings up the release of the authorization certificate received. For this reason, it is very important to keep the buyer and seller security at the highest level in real estate sales. You won’t be able to sell in any other situation!

Taking fewer prospective buyers doesn’t make it harder for you to close transactions faster. On the contrary, it allows you to use your time valuably and reach important buyer candidates. Here; the art of bringing home the fewest prospective buyers and making the fastest sales… Here I have included important details about identifying the serious/unserious buyer. Now you know the questions with which you can check the seriousness of the buyers. Ask your first appointment recipient any of the questions written above. You’ll see it work!

This article was written by M. Sami Vadet on July 10, 2022.

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